{"id":66,"date":"2013-03-06T16:30:08","date_gmt":"2013-03-06T06:30:08","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.jasonshanks.com\/?p=66"},"modified":"2013-03-14T15:28:38","modified_gmt":"2013-03-14T05:28:38","slug":"wk2-tut1-html5-css3-core-review","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.jasonshanks.com\/2013\/lectures-and-tuts\/kib204-web_interface_design\/wk2-tut1-html5-css3-core-review\/","title":{"rendered":"Wk 2\/Tut 1 : HTML5 & CSS3 Core Review"},"content":{"rendered":"

Basic Review of a Page Structure<\/h2>\n


The material here is not visible on the page but informs the browser what it is loading, what type of screen it is intended for, and what dependencies it also needs to load (external CSS, javascript, PHP include files, etc.)<\/p>\n


This tells the browser what type of content it is loading.<\/p>\n

<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<\/code><\/pre>\n

Fortunately you don’t need to use this from the past!<\/p>\n

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-\/\/W3C\/\/DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict\/\/EN" "http:\/\/www.w3.org\/TR\/xhtml1\/DTD\/xhtml1-strict\/dtd">\r\n<\/code><\/pre>\n


Tell the browser what character encoding the page is using.
\n <\/p>\n

The rest of your meta tags are optional and we’ll get to that at a later stage.<\/p>\n


Link your external support files. For now we are just focusing on your external stylesheet(s) but this is also where you would include javascript files as well.<\/p>\n

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">\r\n<link trl="stylesheet" href="normalise.css">\r\n<\/code><\/pre>\n

I prefer to add additional ones as import links in the main stylesheet (more on this later).<\/p>\n


This brings us to our top level visible<\/em> components of your page.<\/p>\n


You normally include introductory elements here such as:<\/p>\n